• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alebadillo468
  • hace 4 meses

And, but, or, so, because

1. Complete the text with and, but, or.

I get up at half past eight in the morning. I´m hungry ....... there isn´t any food in the kitchen. I

want milk, cereals ...... orange juice. Then, I go to the shop ...... when I get there it´s still

closed. I go back home and into the kitchen. There´s some grapefruit juice and brown bread.

...... I don´t like grapefruit juice........ brown bread! This is not a good morning, so I go back to

bed until the shop opens.


Respuesta dada por: nestorDo


Let's continue you are very cool the truth Only that in view of starting to talk you have something of benefit I hope Only that in ves to start talking you have something of benefit I hope and bee

Respuesta dada por: joelbustosc11


No entendí nada de inglés nada de nadita.

ESPERO que esto te ayude

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