• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cisnerossanchezkarol
  • hace 1 año

Ayuda please UnU
hacer 5 Oraciones con El verbo to be
(5) Oraciones negativas
(5) preguntas con la gramática del verbo To Be.

doy corona​


Respuesta dada por: pg723595


I am a doctor I'm not a doctor she's my best friend she isn't my best friend he's my teacher he sent my teacher we are friends we are in Friends I'm not feeling okay I feel good

Respuesta dada por: fabrizioreyes

Am en presente simple negativo.

I am not very tall. I'm not very tall.

Is en presente simple negativo. He is not my brother.

Are en presente simple negativo. They are not at school.

She is very beautiful.

Peter was running.

We are going to be late

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