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Dragon Ball Super (ド ラ ゴ ン ボ ー ル 超 ス ー パ ー Doragon Bōru Sūpā?) Is a manga series written by Akira Toriyama and illustrated by Toyotarō. The manga began publication in Shueisha's V Jump magazine on June 18, 2015, acting as a sequel to Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball manga, which is set months after the Majin Boo Saga. The manga began to be serialized as a complement to the anime with the same name.
An anime adaptation produced by Toei Animation began airing on July 5, 2015 and ended on March 25, 2018. Beginning with the adaptation of the last two feature films in the Dragon Ball Z franchise in order to start telling new material and building the Serie.
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