• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: thamarav839
  • hace 1 año

Ayuda es para hoy voy corona​


abigailcollomilla: el primero es IS


Respuesta dada por: diegogame312




my best friend IS robert

you ARE a good student

i AM very bored

they ARE in the school

marie IS my cousin

mark and peter ARE my neighboorhoods

george IS a good boy

we ARE friends

my parents ARE young

i AM a bad student

you and me work together

my grandparents ARE very good people

my cousins ARE very healthy

they ARE in the park

you ARE close to me

Respuesta dada por: juandiegozaratejdzg


Hola :)

Las respuestas son las siguientes:

1. My best friend is Robert.

2. You are a good student.

3. I am very bored.

4. They are in the school.

5. Marie is my cousin.

6. Mark and Peter are my neighbourhoods.

7. George is a good boy.

8. We are friends.

9. My parents are young.

10. I am a bad student.

11. You and me work together.

12. My grandparents are very good people.

13. My cousins are very healthy.

14. They are in the park.

15. You are close to me.


El verbo to be es una de las formas básicas para la conjugación de verbos en inglés en tiempo presente simple, tal como explico a continuación.

I ---> am

He/She/It ---> is

You/We/They ---> are

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