• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: zxhuha
  • hace 1 año

1. b) Explain two effects of the Brown versus Topeka decision on the USA.


Respuesta dada por: orianacruzvillacorta


In this high-impact case, the Court, based on the 14th Amendment, declared the segregation itself unconstitutional for reasons of race, and precisely when such segregation was educational. It can be said that this was one of the most relevant cases resolved by the North American Court, in a difficult time for Afro-Americans in the southern states of the country, where segregation ruled in all public establishments. In this sense it has been said that it is "the most important ruling in the history of the Supreme Court", "a case that defined the cardinal values ​​in the constitutional interpretation of the United States", "the ruling of the century" and all sorts of superlatives of that tenor; and that it has indeed had an influence that is difficult to assess.

In the species, it was a black girl who sought admission by reason of distance in a public school attended by white children, admission that had been denied on grounds of the existence of racial segregation. Her name was Linda Brown, she lived in Topeka, Kansas, was in third grade and had to walk a mile through a railroad substation every day to attend her elementary school, even though there was another school just seven blocks away that she could go to. attend, even if it was for white kids. Linda's father, Oliver Brown, tried to enroll her in the latter, but the school principal refused. Brown went to McKinley Burnett, the Topeka branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) or National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (an organization created in 1909 to promote the rights of blacks). ), who gave him their help.

Precisely this association, within the framework of the validity of this precedent, had been compiling in the 50s data that showed that schools for African Americans did not have the same quality and infrastructure as that of white students and that they were later used in this and other cases.


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