Project: Using Variables in Java Assignment Directions Use the NetBeans IDE to create a Java program using the skeleton code in this lesson as a model. Create code to declare and initialize at least five integer variables with values of your choice. HINT: Int yourAge = 40; Create code that displays each variable name and its initial value on a separate line. HINT: System.out.println(“myAge = “ + myAge); Using the operators for multiplication, division, modulus, addition, and subtraction, replace the current variable values with new values. HINT: myAge = myAge + 25; Create code to display each variable name and its new value on a separate line. HINT: System.out.println(“totalAge = “ + totalAge); Compile the code, fix and errors, and recompile until the program runs successfully. Assignment Guidelines Remember to apply the naming syntax rules to your variable names and to create descriptive variable names. Use the variables in mathematical operations. Display the results. Document your code. Submission Requirements Program must be successfully compiled. A text copy of the programming code will be submitted. Please see your instructor regarding the due date of the submission. Remember to grammar- and spell-check your submission.

guys i need help with this i just want true answer
how i make this work explain what can i put in the work


Respuesta dada por: edsonrojas087


Explicación: nhgcjcgyjjj

Respuesta dada por: juanch1touwu




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