• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lisbethramos11
  • hace 8 años

20 oraciones con either/or


Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

20 Oraciones con Either / Or.

  1. I am going to buy either apple or peach.
  2. You are going to study either medicine or psychology.
  3. She is going to do either essay or homework.
  4. They are going to play either soccer or baseball.
  5. We are going to go either the concert or cinema.
  6. She is studying either math or chemestry.
  7. He is listening either Lana del Rey or Lady Gaga.
  8. They are watching either soccer game or cartoons.
  9. He is either singing or playing.
  10. You can wear either this coat or that jacket.
  11. She can speak either spanish or english.
  12. I am not going to buy either milk or coffee.
  13. You can wear either glasses or hat.
  14. They are playing either hide and seek or basketball.
  15. It is either broke or off.
  16. I am going to either workm or study.
  17. We are going to study either at Mary's or Charles'.
  18. He might be either dead or asleep.
  19. He might be either angry or sad.
  20. They are going to visit either grandma or aunt.

Ver más en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/10582934

Respuesta dada por: megatokay

Either ... or ... is used in a sentence to establish a cause and effect relationship and also to mention two available options.


Some examples is list follows:

1. - It can take any direction, either left or right. (Puede tomar cualquier dirección, ya sea hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha)

2. - You have to go to work, either sick or Healthy. (Tienes que ir a trabajar, ya sea enferma o saludable)

3. - You have to eat, either hungry or not hungry. (Tienes que comer, ya sea con hambre o sin hambre)

4. - Either you swim or you drown. (O nadas o te ahogas)

5. - Either you work or you starve. (O trabajas o te muerxs de hambre)

6. - Either you run or you climb. (O corres o te encarxmas)

7. - Any vaccine is good, either the china or american. (Cualquier vacuna es buena, ya sea china o americana)

8. - Any ancient philosophy, either aristotelian or platonic. (Cualquier filosofía antigua, ya sea aristotélica o platónica)

9. - Physical exercises are good for health, either aerobic or anaerobic. (Los ejercicios físicos son buenos para la salud, ya sean aeróbicos o anaeróbicos)

10. - You either pay the debt or go to jail. (O pagas la deuda o vas a la cárcxl)

11. - you can choose from both, either coffee or tea. (Puedes elegir entre ambos, ya sea café o té)

12.- You can use either bus or train. (Puedes usar el autobús o el tren).

13. - They can score using either head or feet. (Pueden anotar usando la cabeza o los pies)

14. - Either you study or your parents punish you. (O estudias o tus padres te castigan)

15. - I recommend either Samsxng or Axple. (Te recomiendo ya sea Samsxng o Axple)

16. - Either with your feet or with your hands, you can score. (ya sea con los pies o con las manos, puedes anotar)

17. - Anyone can be president, either women or men. (Cualquiera puede ser presidente, ya sea mujeres o hombres)

18. - Either you get vaccinated or you're fired.  (O te vacunas o estas despedido)

19.- The arepa is delicious, either Venezuelan or Colombian. (La arepa es rica, ya sea venezolana o colombiana)

20.- I will be rewarded, either winning or losing. (voy a ser premiado, ya sea ganando o perdiendo)

Also See: https://brainly.lat/tarea/16042789


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