• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: guarnizosandra38
  • hace 5 meses

Hello dear student,l hope you are Well. today you will answear the question from number 36 to 40 complete the five conversationforquestion36.. 40 mark A B or C on your answer sheet.

. 36 which shirt do you prefer?
A. They re both great.
B Not so much.
C. Is'toobig.

37 David isn't very Well.
A. what's the matter with him?
B. how long does he takes?
C. why did he do it?

38 how do you know my sister?
A. we'll meet outside the cinema.
B we're in the same class
C. she's got blue eyes.

39 I hope Andrew will get here soon.
A. I hope he hasn't.
B. he usually gets it.
C i'm sure he will.

40. who phoned me?
A. It's Anne speaking
B. Sorry, i'forgot to ask
C. I don t know your name ​


Respuesta dada por: pg723595


36. A

37. A

38. B

39. C

40. B

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