• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: anytorres21
  • hace 6 meses

Comparative adjectives
2 Complete each statement or question with the comparative form of the adjective. Use than when necessary. More than one correct answer may be possible.
1 Is Lady Gaga ......... (famous) Madonna?
2 Which city is ......(near) to Mexico City: New York or Miami?
3 Are shorts....(comfortable) long pants?
4 Both fans and air-conditioners are good, but fans are ......(affordable).
5 Air travel is (fast) bus travel, but it's not cheap. Bus travel is usually (expensive).
6 Credit cards are ....(convenient) cash, but you have to be careful not to spend too much.
7 For me, a shark is ..... (scary) any other animal in the water.

8 My son says that crewneck sweaters are boring, but I think V-neck sweaters are .....(boring).
9 The flight to Caracas was pretty bumpy, but the flight back was ....(bumpy).
10 Which travel special is..... (scenic)-the Hawaiian cruise or the European bus tour? 11 Which is. ......(bad)-the flu or a cold?​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. more famous than

2. nearer

3. more comfortable than

4. more affordable

5. faster than - more expensive.

6. more convenient than

7. Scarier than

8. more boring

9. bumpier

10. more scenic

11. worse


El Grado Comparativo.

Adjetivos Cortos. Se les agrega ER para comparar.

Fast - rápido - Faster than - más rápido que.

Adjetivos Largos. Se les antepone MORE.

Famous - famosa ( o) more famous than - más famoso que.

Adjetivos Irregulares. Cambian su forma para comparar.

Bad - Malo - Worse than - peor que

Respuesta dada por: mishis18


1. more famous than

2. nearer

3. more comfortable than

4. more affordable

5. faster than - LESS expensive.

6. more convenient than

7. Scarier than

8. more boring

9. bumpier

10. more scenic

11. worse


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