• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: guadarramacarlos915
  • hace 10 meses

B. Fill in the possessives referring to the person or thing mentioned before to complete the following sentences. 1. I want to change (my/your/our) job. 2. As you make (your/their/her) bed, so you must lie in it. 3. Mark is painting (hers/his) room to be nice. 4. Peter cleaned (your/his) teeth and went to bed. 5. She is so fat. (their/her) figure is awful. C. Fill in the blank referring to the object pronoun as necessary. 1. After you meet (them, us, him) at the airport, please take them to the hotel. 2. I have a problem with question 4. Could you please help (my, me, I). 3. I like (they, she, them) because they are always telling funny stories. 4. Where should I put these cups? Should I put (they, them, their) on the table? 5. I tried to talk to (she, her, our) this morning, but no one answered the phone.​

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