• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cdiazrojas5
  • hace 8 años

Chic@s necesito 6 ideas de qué pasaría si yo no hubiera nacido es para mi tarea de ingles la pregunta es así: "What would have happened if you hadn't been born?"
Pero no se me ocurre qué poner :c


Respuesta dada por: grumpy1
If I hadnt been born i wouldnt have had my parents
if i hadnt been born i woudnt have gone to my school

if i hadnt been born I wouldnt have done my homework

if i hadnt been born i wouldnt have had my friends

if i hadnt been born i wouldnt have written this english sentences
Respuesta dada por: Marita26126
-my father merried with Zack efron 
-my mom are poor
-my mother aborted 
-my father have a other married whit taylor swift
-my mom married whith a rubbish
-i dont have my actual house 
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