• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: horadepreguntar12
  • hace 8 años

5 oracione s con should y shouldn't


Respuesta dada por: valekathe
We shouldn’t be in the meeting next week. 
We shouldn’t stay here at least an hour
We shouldn’t write them a letter.
The kids shouldn’t wear their jackets.
You shouldn’t visit me next weekend.

He should pay more attention to what the teacher says.
You should go by plane.
You should  call her tomorrow.
You should see her tomorrow.
He should  lend us the money which we need.
Respuesta dada por: nicolcarvajal29
Should exercise
I should have more Friends
Should go to do homework
I should pick up my clothes
I should comb my hair 
espero te sirva
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