• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: julianmares
  • hace 1 año

alguien me ayuda...

A) Fill in the blanks with ‘some/any’
1.- We haven’t got ……… free time.
2.-She is reading ……. magazines.
3.-Leonard has got …… nice toys.
4.-Can I have …… milk?
5.-Tom hasn’t got ….. coins.
6.-There are …….… good
restaurants in my town.
7.-There isn’t …… butter in the
8.-Would you like ……. coffee?
9.-I bought ……. CDs last Monday.
10.-He borrowed …….. books.
11.-She ate ……… grapes.
12.-Did you see …… friends?
13.-Helen needed …….. eggs.
14.- Pauline sang …….. nice songs.


Respuesta dada por: anapaularueda18


1.- any

2.- some

3.- some

4.- some

5.- any

6.- some

7.- any

8.- some

9.- some

10.- some

11.- some

12.- any

13.- some

14.- some


Espero haberte ayudado :P

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