• Asignatura: Matemáticas
  • Autor: karlamunizroc0606
  • hace 1 año

591/5 a número decimal​


Respuesta dada por: 77457750



Explicación paso a paso:

karlamunizroc0606: gracias
77457750: corona por fa
nataliasalgadosampay: no
saicolozano: How to convert 591/5 to decimal form?
In the fraction 591/5, 591 is the numerator and 5 is the denominator, the fraction bar means "divided by". Therefore, the fraction 591/5 is same as "591 divided by 5" or "591 ÷ 5".

When we calculated 591 divided by 5, we found that 591/5 in decimal form is:
591 ÷ 5 = 118.2

Therefore, the decimal form of 591/5 is 118.2
saicolozano: espero ayudarte
77457750: e cagon yo ya dije p e te
benjaminalaniamatias: CAG O OOOOOON DE MIE RDA
benjaminalaniamatias: PUT O DE SU CON CHA
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