Hola necesito 10 preguntas en ingles con sus respectivas respuestas que sean con WH y was/were pero que todos puedan saber la respuesta
dejo una como ejemplo: Who was the queen of tex mex? Selena Quintanilla
I went to the beach.
*Who was the teacher of english?
She was Ericka Prado.
*Who ate all the pies?
My sister ate al the pies.
*Which footballers played for that team?
Paolo Guerrero played for that team.
*Whose guitar costed $300?
Mine costed $300.
*Who caused this problem?
My sister caused this problem.
*Which students forgot their homework?
Manuel and franco forgot their homework
*Whose book did you use?
the book of pre-intermediate of britanico.
*Which artist spent four years on his back painting the Sistine Chapel?
Michelangelo spent four years
*Wich Beatles song title changed to become yesterday?
Scrambeld eggs song changed to become yesterday.
*Where did you go last week?
I went to the beach.
*Who was the teacher of english?
She was Ericka Prado.
*Who ate all the pies?
My sister ate al the pies.
*Which footballers played for that team?
Paolo Guerrero played for that team.
*Whose guitar costed $300?
Mine costed $300.
*Who caused this problem?
My sister caused this problem.
*Which students forgot their homework?
Manuel and franco forgot their homework
*Whose book did you use?
the book of pre-intermediate of britanico.
*Which artist spent four years on his back painting the Sistine Chapel?
Michelangelo spent four years
*Wich Beatles song title changed to become yesterday?
Scrambeld eggs song changed to become yesterday.
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