LET'S LISTEN AND READI to read the What is an eco-friendly routine My name is Camila andram 16 years old Let me tell you about my routine. I woup at 7 delock every day go to the store to buvo plastic cup of juice and a sandwich I always go to the supermarket at a cock on woodays I usually forget to bring bags with me, so I often use plastic bags from the store When walk to the market sometimes there i trash in the street, but I never pick it up and throw way on Saturday mornings at 1100, I play soccer with friends. I always buy a large bottle of water after the game inever sort the trash so it can be recycled My favourite ne of the week is Sunday afternoon because laways watch TV with my family at 3 o'clock However, my sister Muriet has a different toutine She says that she is eco-friendly. She wakes un at? a clock every day and the makes breakfast at home She always goes to the market at 10 ocock on Saturday. She ways remembers to bring bags with her to the supermarket so she never needs to use plastic bags from the store. She never buys packaged goods or plastic bottes. She always takes recycled bags or glass contanars to buy rice, beans and other products. She usually sorts the garbage into plastic onder and organic Her Favourite time of the work is Sunday morning because she waters the plants and listen to music who has an eco-friendly routine Who has an eco-friendly routine? Camila or Muriel
According to the text, we can affirm that the one who has an ecological routine is Muriel, since she cares about the environment:
- Water the plants,
- Classify your solid waste,
- Do not buy packaged products or plastic bottles,
-She does the shopping taking with her glass containers and reusable bags.
Traducción al español:
De acuerdo al texto, podemos afirmar que quien tiene una rutina ecológica es Muriel, ya que se preocupa por el medio ambiente:
- Riega las plantas,
- Clasifica sus desechos sólidos,
- No adquiere productos envasados o botellas de plástico,
- Realiza las compras llevando consigo envases de vidrio y bolsas reutilizables.
A partir de las rutinas diarias de Camila y Muriel, completamos el cuadro propuesto:
Activity Camila Muriel
1. Goes to the market at 10 o’clock. X
2. Plays soccer on Saturdays. X
3. Buys plastic cups of juice. X
4. Watches TV at 3 o’clock. X X
5. Takes recycled bags and glass containers
to the market. X
6. Uses plastic bags from the supermarket. X
7. Sorts the garbage into plastic, paper and
organic. X
8. Waters the plants on Sunday mornings. X