• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Reeyk
  • hace 9 años

alguien me podría ayudar a hacer una redacción sobre un incendio en ingles porfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! es urgente


Respuesta dada por: ioneladumitru1
A dark, smoggy night in the middle of winter, chills were runing through the rooms of the house, like a ghost silently coming and silently going. Suddenly, in the distance, there was a faint booming sound like a drum being beaten. The noise soon started to get louder and louder until all that could be heard was the deafening noise. People from houses along the street ran out in their dressing gowns onto the road and huddled together to witness a roaring fire devastating the house of a family living nearby. The owners of the house desperately attempted to remove valuable and sentimental items from the burning wreck,but all was in vain as the glaring fire obliterated their irreplaceable possessions and their home.
Respuesta dada por: DShEC
In the news about forest fires is often the inappropriate use of some terms and expressions. Here are some details:
1. Incendiary is not synonymous with pyromaniac
It is the arsonist who "burns with premeditation, for profit, or wickedness"; It is not synonymous of pyromaniac, 'someone who suffers a disease by which provokes provoking fires and seeing the consequences of the fire'.
2. Provoked and intentional, differences
It is advisable to use the term intentional fire for those generated with the express intention of making an area. The term fire caused is more extensive and advised to be accompanied by the cause (caused by a spark, caused by a burning of stubble, caused by lightning ...).
3. Fires spread, do not spread
Fires can be propagated ('extend, dilate or increase something'), but in no case they are propagated, because this verb means 'to make known or to spread something hidden or little known'.
4. Controlled and stabilized fire are not equivalent
A controlled fire is one that has been isolated and its progress and propagation has been stopped, and a stabilized fire is what evolves within established lines of control.
5. Land Orography is redundant
The orographic expression of the terrain is redundant, since the word orography is the set of mountains of a region, the region of the country, and therefore in her and the idea of ​​terrain is implicit.
6. Fires can be violent, but not virulent
Fires can be violent, but not virulent, because violent means that it has much strength or intensity, while virulent applies to malignant and intense diseases, as well as to styles, speeches or writings that are hurtful, scornful, poisonous or scathing In high degree '.
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