1.2 Presentation Lee cuidadosamente el siguiente texto. Identifica las palabras que hacen falta para completar las oraciones dentro de los párrafos. Una vez las identifiques, escríbelas en los espacios en blanco correspondientes.
Oil spill facts:
An oil spill is the leakage of (hydrocarbon materials) such as petroleum or other material used as fuel. It may be due to natural or human activities. Oil spills are more commonly related with the marine ecosystem rather than the terrestrial region.
Causes of oil spills:
Along the ocean or coastal areas, oil spills can be due to (accidental release), Human-induced, or (natural causes). Oil forms by the decay and decomposition of the dead bodies of organic materials and organic debris. Such oil gets stored within the sedimentary rocks. Due to changes in
climatic conditions or by the erosion of sedimentary rocks, such oil can spill out.
The accidental release can also occur due to leakage from the fuel tank or storage tankers in the ships. Such a release can also occur due to the careless attitude of the ship crew. Natural disasters such as (hurricanes) can also be the reason for an oil spill to occur.