• Asignatura: Biología
  • Autor: dmga27021818
  • hace 1 año

¿Cómo se relacionan los síntomas de la enfermedad con los sistemas del cuerpo y su interacción?


Respuesta dada por: MitsukiOtakuUwU


In my opinion, the symptoms are related to the body and its interaction because when the brain receives the information that we contract a disease, all the systems of our body are activated and begin to take effect, that is, we will begin to feel some discomfort or pain in our body, because our body is letting us know that we contain a disease, be it serious or mild, so that we can take care of ourselves and protect ourselves with medications which must be verified by a good and successful pharmacy, because We could make the mistake of buying a medicine which will do a lot of harm to our body because we don't know what those medicine are.

Sometimes it is the case that people consume medicines that are not indicated for him or her, and if it is not treated this can generate difficulties for our body and its systems, since without them we could not be healthy and strong when we are not.

Leaving the medicines aside, the symptoms have their good side and bad side, since they warn us if we contract diseases, but this sometimes tends to be a bit annoying for some people who contain diseases, whether curable or incurable, these symptoms, more those of those diseases produce such serious discomfort that people must urgently go to a hospital to be treated with medicines.


Espero te haya servido :)

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