• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ALEJANRA
  • hace 1 año

Ayudenme a mi tarea de ingles no quiero q me lo traduscan ok
“simple present 5 aff, 5 neg, 5 preg”
Si no saben no contesten


Respuesta dada por: cr0283588



-I like English

-They have two dogs

-Emily misses her mother when she is alone

-My neighbor goes to the gym in the afternoons

-My mother likes to buy new clothes


-I don't have time in the afternoons because i study

-She doesn't go to the gym at night because she's tired

-My dog doesn't bark when it is sleepy

-Brad Pitt doesn't speak Spanish very well

-My sister doesn't study at night because she's lazy


Do cats and dogs fight all the time?

Does your father shave beforw breakfast?

Do you wake up early every morning?

Does Diana put on make-up after she combs?

Do you take a cold shower?

Respuesta dada por: Catlycat17


  1. He doesn’t try hard= El no se esfuerza
  2. He doesn’t train hard= El no entrena duro
  3. It doesn’t work= Esto no funciona
  4. I don’t like you = No me caes bien  
  5. I don’t read books = Yo no leo libros


  1. Don’t you like my hat? = ¿No te gusta mi sombrero?
  2.  Isn’t she here? = ¿No está aquí?
  3.  Aren’t you excited? = ¿No estás emocionado?
  4. Wasn’t she born in France? = ¿No nació en Francia?
  5. Are you not reading a book?= ¿No estas leyendo un libro?


Espero te sirva... :)

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