• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gabriela21jimenezara
  • hace 1 año

Presente Simple ‘Wh’ Questions

Haga preguntas con ‘wh’:

1. (where / you / go to school?)

Where do you go to school?

2. (what / you / do?)

3. (where / John / come from?)

4. (how long / it / take from London to Paris?)

5. (how often / she / go to the cinema?)

6. (how many children / you / have?)

7. (when / you / get up?)

8. (how often / you / study English?)

9. (what time / the film / start?)

10. (where / you / play tennis?)

11. (what sports / Lucy / like?)

12. (how / they / get to work?)

13. (how often / I / come here?)

14. (where / she / live?)

15. (why / you / eat so much chocolate?)

16. (what / this machine / do?)

17. (who / she / meet on Saturdays?)

18. (how many brothers / she / have?)

19. (how much / this / cost?)

20. (where / you / eat lunch?)


Respuesta dada por: deysigarsiamorales86


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