• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: vanessadelagzas
  • hace 1 año

3 Yes/no questions (A-B)
What would you say in these situations?
► You want to know if Mark has been to Los Angeles. Ask Sarah.
Has Mark been to Los Angeles?
1 You aren't sure if Rachel and Vicky are going to America. Ask them.
2 You want to know if Laura plays tennis. Ask Trevor.

3 You are wondering if Claire enjoyed her holiday. Ask her.
4 You want to suggest to Rachel that you both go for a walk.

5 You need to know if David will be at the club tonight. Ask him.
6 You want to know if the train is on time. Ask Mark.
7 You are wondering if Mike and Harriet go camping. Ask David.

8 You want to ask Matthew if you can borrow his squash racket.
9 You want to know if Nick has got a motor bike. Ask him.

It's eleven o'clock, and everyone has arrived at a party. Put in the short answers.
► Have you got a drink? ~ Yes, I have, thank you. I've just put it down somewhere.
1 Can you speak Arabic? ~ , but not very well.
2 Is it raining outside? ~ It's just started.
3 Has David come with you? ~ He's in hospital, actually.
4 Did you come by car, Tom? ~ It took ages because of all the traffic.
5 Are those people over there your friends? ~ 1 don't know them at all.
6 Do you like England? ~ .. -I'm enjoying my stay here.
7 Is your brother here? ~ He's away on business at the moment.
8 Have you seen Nick recently? ~ I think he's moved away.

2 Form (B)
It's one o'clock in the morning, and the party is in full swing.
People are still talking. Put in the short answers.
► Are you French? ~ No, I'm not. I'm Italian. I'm from Milan.
1 Will you and Laura be here in August? ~ We're going to France.
2 Did you remember to bring the photos? ~ I'll give them to you in a minute.
3 Has Rita broken up with her boyfriend? ~ It's all over, she told me.
4 Did you see that documentary about the ozone layer on television last night?
.........................................I was working late, unfortunately.
5 Does Laura like these old songs? ~ She loves Elvis Presley.
6 Are you and Mike staying the night here? ~ We have to get home tonight.
7 Can we afford a taxi? ~ It's quite a long way.
8 Are you OK, Vicky? ~ I feel really awful.

3 Answering questions (A-C)
Which would normally be the best answer?
► Are you busy today?
a) Yes, busy, b) V Yes, I am.
1 Is it too hot in here for you?
a) No, it isn't, b) No, I'm fine, thanks.
2 Do you know Emma?
a) Yes. b) Yes, we live in the same building.
3 Tell me, did you steal my money?
a) No. b) No, I didn't steal your money.
4 Do you live on the campus?
a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I live on it.
5 Would you like to come out with us for the day?
a) Yes, I would like, b) Yes, please.
6 Is it the eighteenth today?

a) Yes, it is. b) Yes, it is the eighteenth of November today.
7 Did you bring my CD?
a) No. b) No, sorry. I forgot it.
8 Can I carry your bags?
a) No, you can't, b) It's all right, thanks.

Wh-questions (A-B)

What would you say in these situations?
► You are talking to a man at a party. Ask him where he works.
Where do you work?
1 You want to know what the date is today. Ask your friend.

2 You've forgotten when the course finishes. Ask your friend.

3 Your friend is having a party. You'd like to know who he has invited. Ask him.
4 Your favourite band are going to give a concert. Ask how you can get tickets.

5 You are in town with a friend, and you are wondering where the two of you are going to have lunch.
What do you ask?


Respuesta dada por: TokioGame

NO hablo taka taka :™:™:™:

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