• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: arletchr
  • hace 1 año

Estructura del verbo "to be" en afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo.


Respuesta dada por: zulimareyvillamizar


falta datos de tu parte, sin embargo vamos a intentar Duarte respuesta, la cual espero sea de tu utilidad.

Verbo To Be en presente:


I Am

You Are

He is

She is

It is

You Are

We Are

They Are


I Am Not....I'm not

you are not .... you aren't

he is not ... he isn't

she is not ... she isn't

it is not ... it isn't

you are not ... you aren't

we are not ... we aren't

Ther are not ... they aren't


Am I ?

Are You ?

Is he ?

Is she ?

Is it?

Are You ?

Are We ?

Are they ?

Verbo TO BE en tiempo pasado:


I was

You Were

He was

She Was

It was

You Were

We Were

They were


I was not .... I wasn't

You Were not ... you weren't

He was not ... he wasn't

She Was not ... she wasn't

It was not .... It wasn't

You Were not .... you weren't

we were not .... we weren't

they were not ... they weren't


Was I ?

were you?

was he ?

was she ?

was it ?

Were you ?

were we ?

were they ?

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