• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: NN061
  • hace 9 años

por favor necesito que me ayuden a construir un cuento en inglés y traducido en español si se puede también la pronunciación gracias


Respuesta dada por: favr26
VulturesUn cuento corto por Franz KafkaA short story by Franz KafkaÉrase un buitre que me picoteaba los pies. Ya había desgarrado los zapatos y las medias y ahora me picoteaba los pies. Siempre tiraba un picotazo, volaba en círculos inquietos alrededor y luego proseguía la obra.Once there was a vulture that pecked my feet. He already had torn my shoes and stockings and now he pecked my feet. He always threw a peck, he flew around in restless circles and then the work continued.Pasó un señor, nos miró un rato y me preguntó por qué toleraba yo al buitre.A gentleman happened by, looked at us awhile and asked me why I tolerated the vulture.-Estoy indefenso -le dije- vino y empezó a picotearme, yo lo quise espantar y hasta pensé torcerle el pescuezo, pero estos animales son muy fuertes y quería saltarme a la cara. Preferí sacrificar los pies: ahora están casi hechos pedazos.I told him - I am defenseless. He came and he began to peck me, I wanted to frighten him and even was planning to die, but these animals are very strong and he wanted to jump to my face. I preferred to sacrifice my feet. Now the pieces are almost done -.-No se deje atormentar -dijo el señor-, un tiro y el buitre se acabó.The gentleman said - do not allow him to torture you, throw him, and the vulture will give up -.-¿Le parece? -pregunté- ¿quiere encargarse del asunto?- Does it seem so? - I asked - Do you want to take care of the issue? --Encantado -dijo el señor- ; no tengo más que ir a casa a buscar el fusil, ¿Puede usted esperar media hora más?The delighted gentleman said; - I don't have more than to go home to look for my rifle, are you able to wait a half hour more? -- No sé -le respondí, y por un instante me quedé rígido de dolor; después añadí -: por favor, pruebe de todos modos.- I don't know - I responded, and for an instant I was rigid with pain;; Afterwards I added : - If you please, try anyway. --Bueno- dijo el señor- , voy a apurarme.- Okay - the gentleman said, - I am going to hurry. -El buitre había escuchado tranquilamente nuestro diálogo y había dejado errar la mirada entre el señor y yo. Ahora vi que había comprendido todo: voló un poco, retrocedió para lograr el ímpetu necesario y como un atleta que arroja la jabalina encajó el pico en mi boca, profundamente. Al caer de espaldas sentí como una liberación; que en mi sangre, que colmaba todas las profundidades y que inundaba todas las riberas, el buitre irreparablemente se ahogaba.

The vulture had listened to our dialogue calmly and he missed the look between the gentleman and I. Now I saw that he had understood everything: He flew a little, he moved back to achieve the necessary impetus and as an athlete that throws the javelin, he inserted his beak deep into my mouth. I felt like a liberation when falling backwards; Then in my blood, he satisfied all of his depths and he flooded all of his banks, the vulture irreparably drowned .
Respuesta dada por: karito264
Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl who loved her mother and her grandmother. Helps in whatever power and as it was so good on her grandmother's birthday he gave her a red cap. As she liked it so much and went with her to all parts, soon everyone began to call her Little Red Riding Hood.
One day the grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood, living in the forest, sick and the mother of Little Red Riding Hood asked him to carry a basket with a cake and a jar of butter. Little Red Riding Hood accepted.
- Be very careful Little Red Riding Hood, and do not entertain in the forest.Yes mom!
The girl walked quietly through the forest when the wolf saw and approached her.
Where are you going to Little Red Riding Hood?- A house of my grandmother in a basket with a cake and butter.I want to go see her too. So we do not make a career You see that way from here that I will go for this one.Voucher!
The wolf sent Little Red Riding Hood by the longest way and arrived before her at Granny's house. So he passed the little girl and knocked on the door. But what I did not know was that a hunter had seen it coming.
Who is it? Replied Grandma- It's me, Little Red Riding Hood - said the wolfHow good, my daughter, pass, pass.
The wolf came in, rushed on the granny and ate it for a bite. She put on her nightgown and got into bed and wait for Little Red Riding Hood to arrive.
The little girl entertained herself in the forest, picking up hazelnuts and flowers, and for that reason it took a little longer. When he arrived, he knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" Answered the wolf, trying to tune his voice.- It's me, Little Red Riding Hood. I bring you a cake and a butter jar.How good, my daughter, pass, pass.
When Little Red Riding Hood entered, she found Granny different, though she did not know why.
- Grandma, what bigger eyes you have!- Yes, son to see you better, my daughter- Granny, what big ears you have!Sure, son, to hear you better ...- But granny, what big teeth do you have?- They are for eat you better !!
As soon as he said that the wolf has been cast on Little Red Riding Hood and so has he. His stomach was so full that the wolf fell asleep.
ECaperucita rojan that moment the hunter who had seen it enter the house of the granny began a concern. He had spent a lot of time and trying on a wolf ... God knew it had happened! So he went into the house. When he got there and saw the wolf with his belly, he imagined what had happened, so he took the knife and opened the animal's gut for a Little Red Riding Hood and his grandmother.
"You must give this wolf a good punishment," thought the hunter.
So he filled the gut with stones and sewed again. When the wolf awoke from his siesta with great thirst and as he approached the river, zas! He fell inside and drowned.
Little Red Riding Hood saw her mother and grandmother again, and from then on she promised to always follow what her mother told her.Traductor de Google para empresas:Google Translator ToolkitTraductor de sitios webGlobal Market Finder
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