Zuckerberg anu answer the Junowy
Mark Zuckerberg (1984-). Facebook co-creator, was a student at Harvard University. He
worked on a social network site with some college roommates.
They created a website called Facebook. The site helped
people to communicate through different types of files such as
pictures and messages. Zuckerberg left college to work in his
company. Nowadays, Facebook is available in some digital
devices such as computer, tablet, cellphone, and smart TV. The
site grew very big, and today it has more than three million users. Facebook attracted other
companies that wanted to do business online.
Source Bool Level A2 1 Mineduc
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español : zuckerberg anu responde al junowy
Mark Zuckerberg (1984-). cocreador de Facebook, era estudiante en la Universidad de Harvard. él
trabajó en un sitio de red social con algunos compañeros de cuarto de la universidad.
crearon un sitio web llamado facebook. el sitio ayudó
personas para comunicarse a través de diferentes tipos de archivos como
imágenes y mensajes. Zuckerberg dejó la universidad para trabajar en su
empresa. Hoy en día, Facebook está disponible en algunos formatos digitales.
dispositivos como computadora, tableta, teléfono celular y televisión inteligente. los
El sitio creció mucho y hoy tiene más de tres millones de usuarios. facebook atrajo a otros
empresas que querían hacer negocios en línea.
fuente bool nivel a2 1 mineduc
en inglés :Zuckerberg una responds to Junowy
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I have
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I haveworked on a social networking site with some college roommates.
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I haveworked on a social networking site with some college roommates.They created a website called Facebook. The site helped
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I haveworked on a social networking site with some college roommates.They created a website called Facebook. The site helpedpeople to communicate through different types of files like
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I haveworked on a social networking site with some college roommates.They created a website called Facebook. The site helpedpeople to communicate through different types of files likeimages and messages. Zuckerberg dropped out of college to work at his
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I haveworked on a social networking site with some college roommates.They created a website called Facebook. The site helpedpeople to communicate through different types of files likeimages and messages. Zuckerberg dropped out of college to work at hiscompany. Today, Facebook is available in some
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I haveworked on a social networking site with some college roommates.They created a website called Facebook. The site helpedpeople to communicate through different types of files likeimages and messages. Zuckerberg dropped out of college to work at hiscompany. Today, Facebook is available in somedevices such as computers, tablets, cell phones, and smart televisions. the
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I haveworked on a social networking site with some college roommates.They created a website called Facebook. The site helpedpeople to communicate through different types of files likeimages and messages. Zuckerberg dropped out of college to work at hiscompany. Today, Facebook is available in somedevices such as computers, tablets, cell phones, and smart televisions. theThe site grew a lot and today it has more than three million users. Facebook attracted others
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I haveworked on a social networking site with some college roommates.They created a website called Facebook. The site helpedpeople to communicate through different types of files likeimages and messages. Zuckerberg dropped out of college to work at hiscompany. Today, Facebook is available in somedevices such as computers, tablets, cell phones, and smart televisions. theThe site grew a lot and today it has more than three million users. Facebook attracted otherscompanies that wanted to do business online.
Zuckerberg una responds to JunowyMark Zuckerberg (1984-). Co-creator of Facebook, he was a student at Harvard University. I haveworked on a social networking site with some college roommates.They created a website called Facebook. The site helpedpeople to communicate through different types of files likeimages and messages. Zuckerberg dropped out of college to work at hiscompany. Today, Facebook is available in somedevices such as computers, tablets, cell phones, and smart televisions. theThe site grew a lot and today it has more than three million users. Facebook attracted otherscompanies that wanted to do business online.Bool Level A2 1 Mineduc Font