• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: samir1435i
  • hace 1 año

2. Responde las siguientes preguntas con ORACIONES COMPLETAS. En vez de utilizar nombres, emplea los pronombres personales: he/she/they.

Example: -What did the lady in pink do? She walked her dog

1) What did Will do?

2) What did Adela do?

3) What did Anne do?

4) What did Adam and Suzanne do?

5) What did Paul do?

6) What did Dmitri do?

7) What did John do?

8) What did Mr Cardoso and Ms Kean do?

9) What did Sarah do?

ayuda porfa es para hoy​


Respuesta dada por: greciaicazadrianzen1




1. He played basketball

2.She baked a cake

3.She studied for the test

4.They worked very hard

5.He answered all the questions

6.He went to the doctor because he felt sick.

7.He listened to music.

8.They cooked a delicious food

9.She wrote a poem

10.She looked at herself. She felt dissapointed.

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