• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ankarosa27
  • hace 8 años

cual es la conjugacion de going to


Respuesta dada por: deygo
El futuro going to se forma: 

SUJETO + am/are/is going to +VERBO EN INFINITIVO

I am going to eat
You are going to eat
He is going to eat
She isgoing to eat
It is going to eat
We are going to eat
They are going to eat
Respuesta dada por: Isdulipa
I am going to  yo voy a
You are going to   tu vas a 
He is going to   el va a
She is going to   ella va a 
it is going to   esto va a
we are going to  nosotros vamos a
they are going to  ellos van a
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