• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: diegolop
  • hace 9 años

10 oraciones positivas en ingles


Respuesta dada por: maurybkn22

Aquí tienes 10 oraciones positivas, en inglés:

1.- Mary could ride bicycle when she was child
2.- I can go with you now
3.- He will be able to drive a car soon
4.- You should study more fot the next thest
5.- Come to our party
6.- I want to travel to the south
7.- She needs to call mary now
8.- It is wonderful to stay in this place
9.- You must arrive at home at 12 o' clock
10.- You should save money to buy a new car

diegolop: dame esas mismas en negativo
diegolop: por fa
maurybkn22: si te doy otras
diegolop: necesitolas mismas
maurybkn22: NEGATIVAS
1-she didnt eat breakfast
2-i didnt take shower today
3-i didnt do my homework
4-i wasnt ugly before
5-you werent in my home
6-she wasnt clean
7-i had not a house before
8-i got stomach in the morning
9- i didnt came to school yesterday
10-i didnt like chinese food before
maurybkn22: 1.-Mary dont could ride bicycle when she was child
2.- I can dont go with you now
3.- He dont will be able to drive a car soon
4.- You dont should study more fot the next thest
5.- Come dont to our party
6.- I want dont to travel to the south
7.- She needs dont to call mary now
8.- It is dont wonderful to stay in this place
9.- You dont must arrive at home at 12 o' clock
10.- You dont should save money to buy a new car
diegolop: ahora damelas en interrogativa por fa
diegolop: por fa
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