• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dayacaisaguano2010
  • hace 2 años

John wants to build a house next to a forest, in the forest, there are lots of trees, flowers and animals. There is a lake too. John takes axe and goes to the forest. He talks to a tree. I need wood to build my house, he says. So the tree gives John some wood.
John´s friends visit him and they like his house. John and his friends go to the forest and cut down more and more trees to build more and more houses.
Soon there are not more trees. There are not any flowers. There are not any animals. The lake is dirty. The people are sad and thirsty.
John goes to the forest ’’ What happened?’’ John asks the tree.
’’ You cut down the trees in the forest. Now the animals do not have food to eat or a place to live. The lake is dirty so there are not any fishes’’, says the tree.
John and his friends plant trees and they clean the lake. Now the trees are tall and have leaves.
There are flowers. The animals are back in the forest. There are fishes in the lake. The forest is cool again. Everyone is happy.

_subject pronouns
_to be verbo


Respuesta dada por: daniela200196


no entiendo English

lo siento

Respuesta dada por: luanagutierrezlopez


los subjects son el sujeto( persona, cosa o animal)

el vervo to be es el que acompaña al sujeto por ejemplo

I am (am es el verbo tu be) es ser o estar

you are

she is

he is

we are

they are

adjetivo es lo que califica al sujeto

por ejemplo

The people are sad and thirsty

people es el sujeto

are es el verbo to be

el adjetivo es sad y thirsty por que dice que las personas estan tristes y sedientas

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