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The Decline of “Once upon a time….”
Once upon a time, parents read bedtime stories to their children... But now it
seems that the fairy tale is over. According to a poll of mums and dads with
under-sevens, 36 per cent of parents never pick up a book with their little
ones. Of those who do read with their kids, just 21 per cent make time for a
story before bed every night. The study also showed that nearly half of the
kids would rather watch TV or play with toys or computer games.
In light of the findings,, a British online retailer behind the
study, has teamed up with 31-year-old British pop star Natasha Hamilton to
get youngsters back into reading. Littlewoods and Natasha have just
launched a bedtime story competition for children under seven to draw
pictures and create their own tale. The winning entry will be turned into an
audio book, narrated by Natasha. The pop star said: “As a mum of three, I
know how enjoyable bedtime stories are for my kids. I’m really excited
about seeing all the different story ideas. I can’t wait to see what the kids
come up with. Choosing a winner will not be easy”.
Experts say that one of the key ways of helping children to learn to read and
write well is to give them a love of books. However, some parents blame a
lack of time for not reading with their children, while others say they are just
too stressed, or that their kids are simply not interested. Surprisingly enough,
the vast majority of parents were told bedtime stories regularly when they
were little


5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.

What kind of books do you like to read? Explain why you like them.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

Prueba de selectividad para la comunidad de Madrid. Convocatoria Jun 2013-2014. Inglés.


Respuesta dada por: Ceci2017
5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic. What kind of books do you like to read? Explain why you like them

When I have to time to read, I like to immerse myself in all kinds of books. From dystopias like 1984 by George Orwell, to cheesy romance novels like P.S. I Love You. I love to be taken into another world where everything is possible, where I can be whatever character I’m reading and I can discover things about myself by seeing them reflected in other characters. In my opinion, everything you read will change you, may it be in a large or small scale. It might be that one phrase your favorite author wrote or that one character that made your heart break, there will always be something you will remember about every book you read, whether you’re aware of it or not. 

Prueba de selectividad para la comunidad de Madrid. Convocatoria Jun 2013-2014. Inglés.
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