• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: CARLOS2010TAREAS
  • hace 2 años

tengo que hacer 24 oraciones de 8 positivas 8 negativas y 8 de pregunta y tengo que usar was y were junto con el verbo en ing


Respuesta dada por: samara2013aranza


ya la hicistes mil veces


CARLOS2010TAREAS: wtf no te droges
CARLOS2010TAREAS: y ademas ahago eso por que quiero que me las contesten tonta
Respuesta dada por: Luna10Chan12



1 He was watching his favorite television program  

2.The telephone was ringing  

3.He was taking a bath.  

4. We were planning a party  

5. It was raining.  

6. He was sleeping in my bed

7. She was traveling to Europe.

8. He was tasking the wines when I arrived


1  I wasn't working 2You weren't working

3 He wasn't working

4 She wasn't working

5 It wasn't working

6 You weren't working

7They weren't working

8 We weren’t trying to break it.

preguntas: Afirmativo:

Was he working?

My mom was cleaning the kitchen

Were we working?

Were they working?

Was she sleeping?

Were you visiting the museum?

Was he doing his homework last night?.

Was he at home last morning?

I was studying in the library

Were they watching a movie?

preguntas: Negativas:

Weren't you playing

It wasn’t an interesting question.

You weren't wronging

They weren’t readying

Wasn't he working?

Weren't we working?

You weren´t doing your homeworks

He wasn't listening to music

She wasn't reading the book


Espero te sirva

Luna10Chan12: mm bueno ya las cambio
Luna10Chan12: listo
Luna10Chan12: si tu quieres uno tampoco puede obligar a las personas a darles corona, gracias y estrellas
Luna10Chan12: es tu decición
CARLOS2010TAREAS: otra cosa que osea creo que no me entendiste es que usiste muchas preguntas que son lo mismo y que si las podias cambiar
Luna10Chan12: ahh ok voy
Luna10Chan12: Listo así
Luna10Chan12: esta mejor
Luna10Chan12: ya la edite
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