• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marsita42
  • hace 1 año

completa las oraciones usando los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta. Todas son afirmativas.
jane is a teacher. She______ French.(teach)
I always_____ the winndow at night because it is cold.(close)
Those shoes______ too much.( cost)
The food in japaqn is expensive.It______ a lot to live there. (cost)
His job is great because he_______ a lot of people.( meet)
He always______ his car on Sundays.( wash)
My watch is broken and it________ to be fixed again.(need) porfi

jaas0020: jhh


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


jane is a teacher. She teaches French (teach)

teach)I always close the winndow at night because it is cold ( close)

close)Those shoes cost too much ( cost)

( cost)The food in japan is expensive. It costs a lot to live there (cost)

(cost)His job is great because he meets a lot of people ( meet)

( meet)He always washes his car on Sundays ( wash)

( wash)My watch is broken and it needs to be fixed again ( need)


En el Tiempo Presente Simple, cuando el Sujeto es 3era Persona al Verbo debemos agregarle S o ES.

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