• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Smothlikebutter
  • hace 2 años

¡Hola! una pregunta, me pueden ayudar en esta de ingles x fas



Respuesta dada por: ilivesoilove
Did Anna visited her grandparents yesterday?
Did Michael cleaned his bedroom on the weekend?
Did your father work last Saturday?
Did you enjoy the party?
Did on Sunday rain a lot? o Did it rain a lot on Sunday?

ilivesoilove: wait me equivoqué :c los verbos no deben ir en pasado, sería visit* y clean* sorry
Smothlikebutter: Lo puedes volver a escribir aca abajo x fas <3
ilivesoilove: claro!! solo las primeras dos están incorrectas, did Anna visit her grandparents yesterday? Did Michael clean his bedroom on the weekend?. cuando formamos preguntas en pasado simple con “did” el verbo siempre debe ir en presente!! :)
Smothlikebutter: Oh muchas grx, tenia esa duda
ilivesoilove: no hay de que
Smothlikebutter: Lo siento lo siento, te iba a poner a ti la coronita ahhh, que stpido aahh, sorry
Respuesta dada por: Asvv742


Peter visited his grandparents yesterday.

And Anna visited his grandparents yesterday?

Laura cleaned her bedroom on the weekend

And Michael cleaned her bedroom ?

Mom worked last Saturday.

And your father worked ?

We enjoyed the party.  

And you enjoyed the party?

Yesterday rained a lot.  

And on Sunday, it rained a lot ?

Asvv742: Espero q t sirva (bye bendiciones)
Smothlikebutter: Oh muchas grx
Asvv742: de ñada uwu
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