• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tallita1992
  • hace 2 años

ayuda es deber de inglés aquí esta para el que me pidió que lo suba en inglés no en español ​


panditarmybts: https://brainly.lat/tarea/49613328
panditarmybts: Puedes copiar el enlace(este: https://brainly.lat/tarea/49613328) y pegarlo en Google si estás en PC o laptop o si es que estas en la app de brainly, puedes tomar captura de pantalla y extraerlo :)
tallita1992: ok lo hare
panditarmybts: cualquier duda me comentas ;)
tallita1992: no sale nada me sale de inicio en google
panditarmybts: Last summer my family and I were (1) in Tenerife. We travelled (2) by plane and it was (3) fantastic...

We stayed (4) in a gorgeous hotel by the sea. Our room was (5) in front of the swimming pool, on the groung floor.

The first day we visited (6) the town and did (7) some shopping.

The following days, we had (8) a lot of activities:
panditarmybts: In the morning my dad and I tried (9) some water sports at the beach.

In the afternoon, we ate (10) a delicious food in local restaurants, went (11) to the Aquarium and saw (12) a wonderful dolphins exhibition!!!

I sent (13) a postcard to my grandparents and bought (14) a cool t-shirt. My sister met (15) some English tourists and talked (16) to them. At night, my parents danced (17) at the disco and drank (18) some Spanish wine
panditarmybts: We took (19) hundreds of photos. We spent (20) an amazing week in Spain!!!


Respuesta dada por: ldalmanza53


1. were

2. travelled

3. was

4. stayed

5. was

6. visited


8. did

9. tried

10. ate

11. went

12. saw

13. sent

14 bought

15. met

16. talked

17. danced

18. drank

19. took

20 had


Espero te sirva

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