• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Cristhianloja123
  • hace 2 años

ayudaa D; no savo como hacer :(

3. Read again the description of the activity 2 and write a list of new words
related to adjectives to describe personality

I am polite, courteous and caring.
I value myself and others. I treat
all people with dignity and uphold
their rights. I protect property and
our environment.
I respect the feelings of others. I seek
to understand what others are thinking
to appreciate their perspectives. I listen
and consider their views, even though
we may not agree. I act with kindness
and compassion.

I am responsible for my thoughts,
words and actions. I am
accountable for my choices. I
admit my mistakes and work to
correct them. People can depend
on me to honor my commitments.
I demonstrate active citizenship

I am sincere, truthful and trustworthy

ayuda :c


Respuesta dada por: melody1809


Tienes que escribir una lista de nuevos adjetivos que describan la personalidad.


polite, courteous, caring, dignity, kidness, campassion.

Esa es una pequeña lista de los adjetivos que encontré en tu lectura, espero haberte ayudado!

Cristhianloja123: gracias :D
melody1809: coronita por favor!
Cristhianloja123: no se puede por que al principio te di 4 estrellas :,v
Cristhianloja123: pirdon :(
tbbl5398: oe te acepto el deber la profe?
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