• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yoselinpalacios995
  • hace 1 año

what are the good and bad things about homesschooling?

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Respuesta dada por: yorkuran21


the good thing is to learn well in education and in the bad thing not wanting to learn because if we do not study our future it might not turn out as planned


espero que te ayude

Respuesta dada por: xiomaracentenosaravi


What are the good and bad things about homesschooling?

¿Cuáles son las cosas buenas y malas de la educación en el hogar?

En Inglés


Personalized education. In this case, the child takes 100% of the teacher's attention, so the teacher can focus completely on the child's process.

More participation. When the child receives more attention from the teacher, he will feel the need to be more responsible and become more involved with his educational process.

Adaptability. Since the process is personalized and does not require adaptation to a specific group, the teacher can focus each class taking into account the abilities of the student. In this way, the learning process will be much more profitable, and even take less time.

Flexible schedule. The urge for time will no longer be a problem. However, it is important to define a study schedule and adhere to it, so that the study habit is created and an adequate routine is maintained.

Observation of reality. The home learning context is the perfect setting to discover things in a more practical way, beyond the traditional study through books.

Interaction with people of different ages. By being in contact with people of various ages, the child's process can be significantly enriched, from a personal and academic point of view.

Extracurricular activities. Usually, traditional education does not contemplate the exploration of other fields of knowledge. Given the homeschooling methodology, once the proposed curriculum is completed, the program can be extended to other areas that are of personal interest to the student.

Strengthening of family ties. This methodology is developed in a family environment, which creates an opportunity to consolidate affective relationships within the home and strengthen ties with the family nucleus, of course, without generating dependencies or toxic relationships.

There is no need for travel. The trip can represent an additional cost in public transport or gasoline, so that homeschooling will contribute to the reduction of costs.

No competition. The child will not have the pressure that exists in the classroom to stand out from other peers. Additionally, the little one will not be at risk of suffering from bullying or the famous bullying.



100% parental care. The involvement of the student's parents or guardians in their educational process must be total. Constant supervision is essential for success with this methodology.

Lack of social contact. This is one of the most noted disadvantages of homeschooling, since the lack of interaction with other children can generate certain problems in the future in the child's life.

Less opportunities to meet diversity. The child will not have access to other ways of thinking, which will reduce his ability to understand different points of view.

Educational bias. In this case, children tend to be formed under the doctrines of the family and not with free-choice thinking.

Problems with sociability. By developing a solitary process, it will be more difficult for the child to interact with the world in any setting, not just academic.

Lack of autonomy and independence. By not leaving the house, it will be very difficult for the child to adapt to routines such as taking a bus or moving to another place.

Difficulty in group work. In any environment, group work is a fundamental aspect and school is the perfect training to develop the ability to understand other opinions, discuss issues and organize work. So, the lack of interaction will delay the development of this skill.

There are no external referents. If they are not well informed about the academic process, the minor's parents will not know if their child is progressing at the right pace.

Lack of external supervision. Home schooling can pose risks of abuse, indoctrination or isolation for the little one. Therefore, rigorous control is essential in the practice of homeschooling.

Independent educational training. If there are several children in the family, it is difficult to reconcile the processes. Every little one has totally different needs.


Espero te ayude, lo de negro fuerte es lo principal, lo otro es el concepto de cada uno.

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