• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ShiaMora
  • hace 2 años

Read the following text about printing presses. Choose the correct verb from the box and conjugate it in the present perfect or the past perfect, depending on the context.




Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

El presente perfecto se usa para hablar de acciones que aún no terminan. El pasado perfecto habla de acciones que terminaron antes que otra acción.

Presente Perfecto.

El presente perfecto se usa para hablar de acciones que iniciaron en el pasado pero que aún siguen sucediendo en el presente, la estructura para hacer las oraciones es la siguiente.  

  • Sujeto + Verbo Auxiliar (Have/has) + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento.

Pasado Perfecto.

El pasado perfecto se usa para hablar de acciones pasadas que ocurrieron antes de otra acción también en el pasado.

Su estructura es la siguiente:

  • Sujetos + had + verbo en participio pasado + complemento.

Printing Press

Printed materials are part of our daily life; newspapers, magazines, and books are just some examples. The printing press is a machine used for mass production of these printed elements.

This machine has become one of the most significant inventions. Before it appeared, monks had written books by hand so just a few people had been able to access information. Only very rich families were lucky enough to have a book, which was usually the Bible.

The ancient Chinese used pieces of wood with symbols and drawings to make books. Around the beginning of 1440, a German man called Gutenberg, who had worked in basic forms of printing, started experimenting with improving the process and finally discovered that using metal instead of wood and blocks with many words could allow people to reproduce texts

In great quantity. The printing press is one of the inventions that has had great impact in the world. After books could be printed in mass quantities, knowledge became available for most people and the first libraries were founded. Since then we all have studied a book.

Puedes ver más del presente y pasado perfecto aquí https://brainly.lat/tarea/2896638


Respuesta dada por: andersonsoledispa14

Algunos de los verbos conjugados en presente  y pasado perfecto extraídos del texto “Printing Press” son HAS BECOME, HAD WRITTEN, HAD BEEN ABLE, WHO HAD WORKED, HAS HAD, HAVE BOUGHT, a continuación se muestra el texto completo.

Printing Press

Printed materials are part of our daily life; newspapers, magazines, and books are just some examples. The printing press is a machine used for mass production of these printed elements.

This machine HAS BECOME one of the most significant inventions. Before it appeared, monks HAD WRITTEN books by hand so just a few people HAD BEEN ABLE to access information. Only very rich families were lucky enough to have a book, which was usually the Bible.

The ancient Chinese used pieces of wood with symbols and drawings to make books. Around the beginning of 1440, a German man called Gutenberg, WHO HAD WORKED in basic forms of printing, started experimenting with improving the process and finally discovered that using metal instead of wood and blocks with many words could allow people to reproduce texts in great quantity. The printing press is one of the inventions that HAS HAD great impact in the world.

After books could be printed in mass quantities, knowledge became available for most people and the first libraries were founded. Since then we all HAVE BOUGHT a book.

¿Cómo se conjuga en presente perfecto?

Se conjuga con el verbo haber/tener (has/have) seguido de el pasado del verbo, lo que permite comunicar dos acciones, una en tiempo presente y la otra en pasado.

¿Cómo se conjugan los verbos en pasado perfecto?

Se conjuga con el verbo haber/tener en pasado (had) seguido de el pasado del verbo, con lo cual se consigue expresar exactamente el momento en que suceden las cosas, en este caso, una acción pasada que ocurrió después de otra también en pasado por su puesto.

Algunos verbos y su conjugación en presente  y pasado perfecto


Present perfect

I have become

You have become

He/she/it has become

We have become

You have become

They have become

Past perfect

I had become

You had become

He/she/it had become

We had become

You had become

They had become


Present perfect

I have worked

You have worked

He/she/it has worked

We have worked

You have worked

They have worked

Past perfect

I had worked

You had worked

He/she/it had worked

We had worked

You had worked

They had worked

Be able

Present perfect

I have been able to

You have been able to

He/she/it has been able to

We have been able to

You have been able to

They have been able to

Past perfect

I had been able to

You had been able to

He/she/it had been able to

We had been able to

You had been able to

They had been able to


Present perfect

I have had

You have had

He/she/it has had

We have had

You have had

They have had

Past perfect

I had had

You had had

He/she/it had had

We had had

You had had

They had had


Present perfect

I have written

You have written

He/she/it has written

We have written

You have written

They have written

Past perfect

I had written

You had written

He/she/it had written

We had written

You had written

They had written


Present perfect

I have bought

You have bought

He/she/it has bought

We have bought

You have bought

They have bought

Past perfect

I had bought

You had bought

He/she/it had bought

We had bought

You had bought

They had bought


Present perfect

I have studied

You have studied

He/she/it has studied

We have studied

You have studied

They have studied

Past perfect

I had studied

You had studied

He/she/it had studied

We had studied

You had studied

They had studied

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