• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: itzfactory9
  • hace 2 años

me ayudan dare 200 dolares a las primeras personas que me ayuden con esto



Respuesta dada por: xNoemix



Long and Shorts Forms

1. We are reading a letter. ➪ We're reading a letter.

2. He is opening the window. ➪ He's opening the window.

3. I am playing computer games. ➪ I'm playing computer games.

4. She's dancing at the party. ➪ She is dancing at the party.

5. They're drinking a cup of tea. ➪ They are drinking a cup of tea.

Negative Sentences

1. We are playing a game. ➪ We aren't playing game.

2. I'm drawing a picture. ➪ I'm not drawing a picture.

3. He is making pizza right now. ➪ He isn't making pizza right now.

4. Susan and her brother are taking photos. ➪ Susan and her brother aren't taking photos.

5. Dad is working in the kitchen. ➪ Dad isn't working in the kitchen.

Questions and Signal Words

1. Robin / to ride / his bike -

Is Robin riding his bike ?

2. where / she / to go -

Where is she going ?

3. what / your mother / to do / now -

What is your mother doing now ?


1. Anna is resting (rest) right now.

2. I am talking (talk) on the phone at the moment.

3. Bella is cooking (cook) dinner now.

4. They are helping (help) the teacher right now.

5. He is running (run) very fast!

6. Julia is taking (take) a chocolate cake at the moment.

7. I am having (have) fun!

8. You are dancing (dance) very nicely.

9. They are answering (answer) all the questions.

10. John is eating (eat) Salad, and I am eating fish.

11. Marta is driving (drive), and Chris is sleeping (sleep).

12. It is raining (rain).

13. I am writing (write) my homework.

14. We are working (work) on the new show right now.

15. Kate is lying (lie) in bed now.



1- I am planting (plant) a tree now.

2- My sister is watching (watch) TV in the living room.

3- Children are watering (water) the plants.

4- They are writing (write) a letter.

5- We are swimming (swim) in the pool.

6- My sisters are riding (ride) their bikes.

7- She is talking (talk) on the phone now.

8- I am not reading (read) a magazine at the moment.

9- She isn't running (run) in the garden.

10- The students aren't studying (study).

11- We aren't cooking (cook) in the kitchen.

12- I am not watching (watch) TV.

13- Is she cooking (cook)?

14- Are they walking (walk) in the forest?

15- Are you writing (write) a story?

16- Is your brother driving (drive)?

17- What are you doing (do)?

18- Where is she going (go)?

19- Why are they crying (cry)?

20- Which book is he reading (read)?



En Affirmative, utilizamos el Verbo 'to be' más agregando el gerundio -ing al final del verbo (dependa de como termina el verbo).

Si quieres guiarte con ésta estructura para formar una oración Affirmative:

★ Estructura:

Sujeto + verb 'to be' (am, is, are) + verbo (+ -ing) + complemento.

  • EJEMPLO: I am writing on the computer now.

---> Esa oración sería en forma larga, ya que el verbo 'to be' am no ésta en forma corta.

Así sería en forma corta:

I'm writing on the computer now.

Forma corta del Verb 'to be' en afirmativa por si las necesitas:

am = 'm

is = 's

are = 're


En Negative, solo cambiara el Verbo 'to be' en forma negativa.

Si quieres guiarte con ésta estructura para formar una oración Negative:


Sujeto + verbo 'to be' en forma negativa (am not, is not, are not) + verbo (+ -ing) + complemento.

  • EJEMPLO: She is drinking water in the moment.

Así sería en forma corta:

She's drinking water in the moment.

Forma corta del Verb 'to be' en negativa por si las necesitas:

am not = 'm not

is not = isn't

are not = aren't


En Interrogative, el Verb 'to be' va a ir adelante del Sujeto y el verbo a estar después del Sujeto.

Si quieres guiarte con ésta estructura para formar una oración Interrogative:


Verb 'to be' (Am, Is, Are) + Sujeto + verbo (+ -ing) + complemento + ?

  • EJEMPLO: Are they playing football right now?

---> En WH-QUESTIONS (What, When, Where, Why, etc) va a ir adelante del Verb 'to be'.

Si quieres guiarte con ésta estructura para formar una oración Negative:


WH-QUESTIONS + verb 'to be' (am, is, are) + Sujeto + verbo (+ -ing) + complemento + ?

  • EJEMPLO: Where is Alex listening to music? (¿Dónde ésta Alex escuchando música?)

Alex se refiere a He (El) y He va con el Verb 'to be' is.


Bueno... espero te sirva.

PERDÓN por tardar tanto!! :(

xNoemix: Y en la TERCERA FOTO, ésta corregido por Worksheets.
xNoemix: Ya que ese trabajo viene de Worksheets.
xNoemix: ejercicio*
xNoemix: También es lo mismo en Present Progressive, solo que es más complementado osea con más información.
xNoemix: Y además no es tan necesario que me des 200 dolares y eso es imposible.
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