• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nicolasmerinopino25
  • hace 1 año

Select HAVE or HAS Decide si la oración debe ser con HAVE o HAS​



Respuesta dada por: sofiahcl2


1 - Have

2 - Have

3 - Has

4 - Have

5 - Has

6 - Has

7 - Have

8 - Has


Las frases van ennumeradas de arriba hacia abajo

nicolasmerinopino25: gracias
nicolasmerinopino25: gracias
nicolasmerinopino25: gracias
Respuesta dada por: SkyRoler388


First- Solange, Kira and I .... Have .... already done our homework

Second- I .... Has .... finished the test

Third- He has opened the window

Fourth- Some houses .... Has .... changed a lot since the last time I visited the town

Fifth- It .... Has .... been a long time without seen you

Sixth- The cat .... Has .... eat on the plants

Seventh- We .... have .... lived here for many years

Eighth- She .... Has .... gone to the market

Ojalá te halla ayudado, y si no fue así puedes decírmelo e intentaré modificar mi respuesta para poder ayudarte ^^

nicolasmerinopino25: gracias amigo o amiga<3
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