• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: orozkolina2320
  • hace 1 año

Escribe un PARRAFO aplicando voz activa y oraciones de voz pasiva usando la ilustración "LA INVENCIÓN MAS NUEVA PARA AHORRAR HUMMANIDAD ". Inicia así. Un desarrollo inolvidable para salvar a la humanidad es llevado por un gran grupo de científicos y médicos , esa es la vacuna Covid 19.


Respuesta dada por: london9589


An unforgettable development to save humanity was carried out by a group of scientists and doctors and that is Covid-19 vaccine.

This vaccine are different because they are mRNA vaccines which is a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases.

How does it work?

First, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. Once the instructions (mRNA) are inside the muscle cells, the cells are used to make the protein piece. After the protein piece is made, the cell breaks down the instructions and gets rid of them.

Next, the cell displays the protein piece on its surface. Our immune systems recognize that the protein doesn’t belong there and begin building an immune response and making antibodies, like what happens in natural infection against COVID-19.

At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection. The benefit of mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.

emmaeide2003: amig@ me podrias ayudar con ingles te lo ruegoo
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