• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: carolmega
  • hace 9 años

hola necesito 1 cuento largo para niños


Respuesta dada por: tonycp
espero que te guste
In a small and distant town of China lived a child called Kang. Their parents were very poor peasants so the three tried to get ahead as they could and could not afford any kind of luxury. They had some food and a roof under which to sleep, nothing more.

 The marriage dreamed that someday his son Kang could study. Both were very clear that they did not want for him the life they carried and hoped for a more promising future in the city.
Kang, aware of this, was a good, applied, intelligent and studious boy, but every day he was faced with a problem that made things even more difficult. During the day he helped his parents in the fields, and when he wanted to study, it was night. This was a great inconvenience to him because there was no artificial light in his wooden hut.
I was desperate I wanted to study and without light I could not read! He wanted to pass school exams and over the years to go to college, but improving his education in the dark was totally impossible.
A year came the harsh winter and one night he looked out the window to see the fabulous snowy landscape. He was absorbed when he realized that the snow emitted a very dim white light, very beautiful but almost imperceptible.
Kang, who was a very clever boy, decided to take advantage of that small opportunity that nature offered him. He put on an old coat, put on his tattered leather boots, picked up the school supplies, and walked out of the room very slowly to keep quiet.
The snow was very thick, but in spite of everything, she lay on top of it. He opened one of his books and thanks to the whitish light that reflected the snow he could read and take advantage to learn. The cold was hellish and his hands were so frozen that he could barely turn the pages, but he did not care because he felt it was worth the effort. He stayed there all night and like that, every winter night.
Time passed quickly and one day the sun's rays of fresh springtime melted the snow. Poor Kang watched with tears in his eyes as his only chance to study dissolved before his eyes without remedy.
After dinner he went to bed but due to worry he could not sleep. Tired of going round and round in bed, he decided to go for a walk in the woods where he had spent so many hours on the sail.
The vision he had was incredible! He looked excitedly at how spring had taken the snow, yes, but in return he had brought a bunch of fireflies that illuminated and beautified the warm March nights.
He was stunned by the beautiful spectacle and suddenly had a great new idea. He ran into his room, picked up the books, and returned to the woods. He sat under a huge log tree and let the fireflies approach him.
Bravo! His light was enough to read! He felt so happy! ...
Night after night he repeated the same operation and studied under the bright light of the friendly bugs. Thanks to that he was able to increase his knowledge and to advance very much in his studies. The boy was poor and had no resources, but thanks to his sacrifice, effort and will, he managed to overcome a barrier that seemed insurmountable.
For years he studied snow in winter and with the help of fireflies in the spring and summer months. The result was that he was able to pass all the tests and exams of the school with brilliant qualifications.
Upon reaching the age of majority entered the university and became a wise and wealthy man who managed to get his family out of poverty. Life rewarded him.
This precious story teaches us that we never have to fall apart in the face of difficulties. With illusion and effort almost everything can be achieved. Beat the obstacles and fight for your dreams. Life will reward you as well as Kang's good.
se llama el niño y la luz
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