• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Lunauwur
  • hace 1 año

Hacer un resumen de Frankenstein Capitulo 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6 En ingles


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


Chapter 1 : In this first chapter, Victor Frankenstein is observed commenting to Walton about his origins in Geneva, and also indicates that his father named Alphonse Frankenstein was a quite powerful man and with an honor and respect that characterized him for having rescued what was his mother named Caroline, of a terrible poverty that brought her out before he could marry her. Caroline was the daughter of Beufort, an old friend of her father who, due to fate, has lost his wealth, embarrassed by this fact he fled to a place where no one knew him.  Alphonse travels so that he can see his old friend Beufort and his daughter with the idea of ​​helping his friend and his daughter, but when he gets home he finds that Beufort had died and Caroline was alone and completely bankrupt. Alphonse grabbed Caroline and took her to Geneva with him, so that a couple of years later they married, considering that she was much younger, she loved him deeply which made their relationship happy and loving.  Some time later they would have their first son named Victor, who was born while traveling through Italy, and although Caroline wanted to have a female daughter, she could not conceive her in a period of at least 5 years, it was then that while visiting the poor in the streets From Italy he found Elizabeth Levenza, she was a girl who was orphaned, so he adopted her and brought her to the Frankenstein family.

Chapter 2 :In this chapter, Victor describes how quiet his childhood was with his younger brothers and how his relationship with Elizabeth was one of the best, he describes her as his complement, Victor was a quite reserved man, not having communication of his life with almost no person other than his sister Elizabeth and his schoolmate Henry Clerval since they were like his best friends. At the age of 13, Victor became interested in various topics, including the evolution of the human being, he said that for him, the universe was full of many secrets that he wanted to discover.  He began to experience a diversity of sensations linked to the laws of darkness and those mysteries of life. Victor devoted himself to studying these facts until one day he could see how lightning fell on a tree and managed to completely dissolve it, this made him interested in studying the theory of electricity and also galvanization.

Chapter 3 :Once Victor turns 17, he goes to the city of Ingolstadt to continue his studies when, Elizabeth falls ill with scarlet fever (scarlet fever), while Caroline was recovering, who was the one who constantly took charge of his care, gets terribly ill. On her deathbed, Caroline tells Victor and Elizabeth that one of her biggest dreams was for them to get married. Some time passed where they mourned Caroline, later Victor goes to Ingoltadt to return to his studies, however he was invaded by the feeling of fear that he had no support from anyone, this feeling disappears once he meets M. Waldman where this instilled in him that he has to get ahead despite all the circumstances.

Chapter 4 :Continuing the tour of this work, Victor continues to study about the theories and origins of life. Once they had spent a couple of years studying, he had the idea of ​​returning home, since he had too much knowledge, reaching the point where he already felt that he could not advance further from there, however before that happened, Victor was able to discover what the essence of life was, this being one of the mysteries that he kept secret without Walton discovering it so that in this way he would not follow his "poor example" he said "Learn from me, but from my precepts, like this be my examples, how dangerous it can be to acquire knowledge and how happy is the man who believes that his native city is the universe than the one that aspires to become greater than its nature allows ”.Once he discovers what gives him life, Victor set about creating a human being, building a man at least 2.5m tall with enough strength and endurance, all parts taken from human corpses. The construction of this project kept him a secret and while he was working on his project the correspondence with his family stopped, his health began to be affected by spending so many hours building this specimen, but he never stopped until he could finish it.


Anónimo: capitulo 5 parte III: so he and Henry returned home and realized that the beast was not, after this fact, Victor's health begins to deteriorate and he began to have hallucinations and It wasn't long before he fell into bed with a fever. Henry stayed with Victor during the course of this illness. Victor kept talking in his dreams about the monster, but Henry thought it was one of the effects of the fever, when Victor began to recover Henry gave him a letter from Elizabeth.
Anónimo: CAPITULO 6: Elizabeth, upon receiving this letter, begged Victor to write a letter to his family where he told them that he was well, knowing this, he wrote a letter to his family indicating that he was well, and that his health had already improved considerably.
Anónimo: CAPITULO 6 PARTE II: After this fact, Frankenstein introduced Henry to several professors at the university since he was going to study there, but many times he avoided talking about his studies, since they brought to mind the gruesome creation he had made. After some time has passed, he and Victor wish to return home but their return would be postponed for at least 7 months until he and Henry went on a tour of Ingolstadt.
Anónimo: eso es todo :)
Lunauwur: te amo <3
Lunauwur: no me aparece para darte coronita, pero cuando me aparezca te la doy
Anónimo: graciasss <3
Lunauwur: <3
Anónimo: ya te salio la coronita?? <3
Lunauwur: sip <3
Respuesta dada por: andre0710castillo1


Chapter 1 : In this first chapter, Victor Frankenstein is observed commenting to Walton about his origins in Geneva, and also indicates that his father named Alphonse Frankenstein was a quite powerful man and with an honor and respect that characterized him for having rescued what was his mother named Caroline, of a terrible poverty that brought her out before he could marry her. Caroline was the daughter of Beufort, an old friend of her father who, due to fate, has lost his wealth, embarrassed by this fact he fled to a place where no one knew him.  Alphonse travels so that he can see his old friend Beufort and his daughter with the idea of ​​helping his friend and his daughter, but when he gets home he finds that Beufort had died and Caroline was alone and completely bankrupt. Alphonse grabbed Caroline and took her to Geneva with him, so that a couple of years later they married, considering that she was much younger, she loved him deeply which made their relationship happy and loving.  Some time later they would have their first son named Victor, who was born while traveling through Italy, and although Caroline wanted to have a female daughter, she could not conceive her in a period of at least 5 years, it was then that while visiting the poor in the streets From Italy he found Elizabeth Levenza, she was a girl who was orphaned, so he adopted her and brought her to the Frankenstein family.

Chapter 2 :In this chapter, Victor describes how quiet his childhood was with his younger brothers and how his relationship with Elizabeth was one of the best, he describes her as his complement, Victor was a quite reserved man, not having communication of his life with almost no person other than his sister Elizabeth and his schoolmate Henry Clerval since they were like his best friends. At the age of 13, Victor became interested in various topics, including the evolution of the human being, he said that for him, the universe was full of many secrets that he wanted to discover.  He began to experience a diversity of sensations linked to the laws of darkness and those mysteries of life. Victor devoted himself to studying these facts until one day he could see how lightning fell on a tree and managed to completely dissolve it, this made him interested in studying the theory of electricity and also galvanization.

Chapter 3 :Once Victor turns 17, he goes to the city of Ingolstadt to continue his studies when, Elizabeth falls ill with scarlet fever (scarlet fever), while Caroline was recovering, who was the one who constantly took charge of his care, gets terribly ill. On her deathbed, Caroline tells Victor and Elizabeth that one of her biggest dreams was for them to get married. Some time passed where they mourned Caroline, later Victor goes to Ingoltadt to return to his studies, however he was invaded by the feeling of fear that he had no support from anyone, this feeling disappears once he meets M. Waldman where this instilled in him that he has to get ahead despite all the circumstances.

Chapter 4 :Continuing the tour of this work, Victor continues to study about the theories and origins of life. Once they had spent a couple of years studying, he had the idea of ​​returning home, since he had too much knowledge, reaching the point where he already felt that he could not advance further from there, however before that happened, Victor was able to discover what the essence of life was, this being one of the mysteries that he kept secret without Walton discovering it so that in this way he would not follow his "poor example" he said "Learn from me, but from my precepts, like this be my examples, how dangerous it can be to acquire knowledge and how happy is the man who believes that his native city is the universe than the one that aspires to become greater than its nature allows ”.Once he discovers what gives him life, Victor set about creating a human being, building a man at least 2.5m tall with enough strength and endurance, all parts taken from human corpses. The construction of this project kept him a secret and while he was working on his project the correspondence with his family stopped, his health began to be affected by spending so many hours building this specimen, but he never stopped until he could finish it.



andre0710castillo1: CAPITULO 5 PARTE II: Upon awakening from his nightmare, the first thing he saw is the beast he had created standing in front of him smiling with hideous black lips, Victor, buried in panic, flees to the town where he ran into his friend Henry with whom he speaks for a moment. Victor for a moment would have forgotten what he had created,
andre0710castillo1: capitulo 5 parte III: so he and Henry returned home and realized that the beast was not, after this fact, Victor's health begins to deteriorate and he began to have hallucinations and It wasn't long before he fell into bed with a fever. Henry stayed with Victor during the course of this illness. Victor kept talking in his dreams about the monster, but Henry thought it was one of the effects of the fever, when Victor began to recover Henry gave him a letter from Elizabeth.
andre0710castillo1: CAPITULO 6: Elizabeth, upon receiving this letter, begged Victor to write a letter to his family where he told them that he was well, knowing this, he wrote a letter to his family indicating that he was well, and that his health had already improved considerably.
andre0710castillo1: CAPITULO 6 PARTE II: After this fact, Frankenstein introduced Henry to several professors at the university since he was going to study there, but many times he avoided talking about his studies, since they brought to mind the gruesome creation he had made. After some time has passed, he and Victor wish to return home but their return would be postponed for at least 7 months until he and Henry went on a tour of Ingolstadt.
andre0710castillo1: Chapter 5:Finally a cold autumn night would arrive where Victor has finished his creation, but all the good illusions he had about this project collapsed when he saw such a horrifying being that he would have created. He had chosen pieces that he believed to be perfect and beautiful but did not count on the fact that the result of all this would not be what he expected, Victor ran to his laboratory where he finally fainted.
andre0710castillo1: perdon seme olvido poner el capitulo 5
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