• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lemonshop2020
  • hace 1 año

A. Escriban oraciones usando “used to” en afirmativo, negativo o interrogativo.

1. Barney ____used to drive___ (drive) to work, but now he takes the bus.
2. We _____________ (play) tennis every day, but now we don't play it any more. 3. My sister
loves rock music now, but she _____________ (hate) it when she was 15.
4. I ______________(not/ read) books when I was a child, but now I read four or five books a
5. __________you __________ (go) to bed early when you were younger?
Yes, I did, but now I go to bed after 12.
6. I ________________ (like) snakes, but now I hate them.
7. My sister _______________ (eat) soup when she was younger.
8. Joe ______________ (call) his friends a lot, but he doesn't do it anymore


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


2. used to play

3. used to hate

4. did not use to read

5. Did - use to go

6. used to like

7. used to eat

8. used to call


Used to - acostumbrado a. seguido de un Verbo en forma base.

En las oraciones afirmativas lo colocamos en Pasado.

En las oraciones Interrogativas y Negativas se coloca en su forma base porque en ambas está complementado con Auxiliar Did / didn't

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