• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: caterin2404
  • hace 1 año

Porfa Una Ayuda Es Una Recuperación Doy Con Corona .... Rellena los espacios de las siguientes frases con el conector más adecuado (SO, BECAUSE, BUT, ALTHOUGH).


a.    I love that film ___________________ it´s very good.


b.    __________________ we prefer volleyball, we play basketball.


c.     We went to the supermarket  ___________________  we wanted to buy a chicken and some vegetables.


d.    They didn´t like the programme ________________ they turned off the tv.


e.    _________________ she wasn´t very hungry, she ate a big hot dog with French fries and soda.


Respuesta dada por: lizzy8210


 A. I love that film BECAUSE it´s very good.

B. ALTHOUGH we prefer volleyball, we play basketball.

C. We went to the supermarket BECAUSE we wanted to buy a chicken and some vegetables.

D. They didn´t like the programme SO  they turned off the tv.

E. ALTHOUG she wasn´t very hungry, she ate a big hot dog with French fries and soda.

caterin2404: Gracias
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