solucion pliss ayudaaa

1. Cindy is my best friend.
2. Peter and Kate are classmates.
3. Johnny is my brother.
4. You are a good student.
5. They are in the classroom.
6. It is an apple.
7. Felicia and I are sisters.
8. I am her teacher.
9. It is a book bag.
10. You are a doctor.
am va con el único pronombre: I
is va con los pronombres singulares: He, she y it
are va con los pronombres plurales: You, we y they
✪ En éste caso:
Johnny que sería He = El
Y he va con el verbo to be is
Felicia and I = Felicia y Yo que sería We = Nosotros/as
Y we va con el verbo to be are
Cindy que sería She = Ella
Y she va con el verbo to be is
Espero haberte ayudado. ¡Salu2!
✓Atentamente: xNoemix✓
1. Cindy is my best friend.
2. Peter and Kate are classmates.
3. Johnny is my brother.
4. You are a good student.
5. They are in the classroom.
6. It is an apple.
7. Felicia and I are sisters.
8. I am her teacher.
9. It is a book bag.
10. You are a doctor.