• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sukalinejoegmailcom
  • hace 1 año

1) Completa las oraciones usando el going to, recuerda la información anterior (Cor sentences using the going to remember the previous information) you A. you do anything special on Saturday? B. Don't take the umbrella, rain. + C. your parents buy you a mobile? D. Не smell horrible later + E. When go on holiday? F. Benny come to the concert. x G. What colour your sister paint her bedroom? H. Yes, but the doctors operate on his nose this afternoon + 1. Next month we to begin a Spanish course. + do Biology, in the end. x K. That means that we to find water! + L to be a car race driver. + 2) Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto.( Write the words in the correct order)​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


A. Are you going to do anything special on Saturday?

B. Don't take the umbrella. It is going to rain.

C. Are your parents going to buy you a mobile?

D. He is going to smell horrible later.

E. When are you going to go on holiday?

F. Benny is not going to come to the concert.

G. What colour is your sister going to paint her bedroom?

H. Yes, but the doctors are going to operate on his nose this afternoon.

I. Next month We are going to begin a Spanish course.

J. We are not going to do Biology in the end.

K. That means that we are going to find water.

L. I am going to Be a race car driver.


Estructura Afirmativa con Going To.

Sujeto + Verbo to Be + Going to + Verbo en Infinitivo + Complemento.

Estructura Negativa con Going To.

Sujeto + Verbo to Be + not + Going to + Verbo en Infinitivo + Complemento.

Estructura Interrogativa Wh questions.

Wh + Verbo to Be + Sujeto + Going to + Verbo en Infinitivo + Complemento?.

Anónimo: estrellasdelfuturo79 me podes ayudar con mi tarea porfa es importante
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