• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hinata690
  • hace 1 año

A poner en práctica lo aprendido

1. Order the phrases to form sentences (Ordena las frases para formar oraciones).

Example: study/ Paul/ going/ Susan/are/and/to.

Paul and Susan are going to study.

a. is going to/ the new vocabulary/ She/ practice


b. clean /is going to/ her bedroom tomorrow/My sister Gloria


c. Paraguayan doctors/do/the best for their patients/are going to


2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of “be going to” in the negative form” (Ordena

las oraciones con la forma correcta de “be going to” en forma negativa).

Example: I ______________jog today, it´s raining.

I am not going to jog today, it´s raining.

a. I _________________go to the meeting.

b. My father _________________see the dentist at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

c. She ______________________finish her job in the afternoon.​



Respuesta dada por: jazsanma04

este es el último, espero les sirva


romeromachaeliza: me pasas completo x favor
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