• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maikelcastro45
  • hace 1 año

Complete the sentences with the simple past and the past perfect forms of the verbs in parentheses.

1 We--------------- (miss) the last bus home because the game --------- (go) into overtime.

2 I------------- (think) I--------- (leave) my bag on the train, but I found it in the gym.

3 My coach --------------------(confirm) that I---------- (make) the team.

4 He------------------- (not attend) the practice sessions because he ---------- (break) his ankle.

5 I ----------------------(not recognize) him because he --------------- (lose) so much weight.

6-------------------------- She (dream) about winning an Olympic medal, and that dream finally
------------------ (come) true.

7 The trip -------------- (be) amazing, so we -----------------(reserve) the same hotel for the following year.

8 We .---------------- (line up) for three hours, but we still -------------------- (not get) a seat.

9 Sarjan -------------------------------------- (want) to play professional tennis because he--------------
(see) Roger Federer on TV when he was a child.

10 I----------------- (forget) to turn off my computer, so I ---------------- (have) to go back to the office.


Respuesta dada por: lisbec27
1. Respuestas:

1 We missed the last bus home because the game had gone into overtime.

2 I thought I had left my bag on the train, but I found it in the gym.

3 My coach confirmed that I had made the team.

4 he did not attend the practice sessions because he had broken his ankle.

5 I did not recognize him because he had lost a lot of weight.

6 She had dreamed about winning an Olympic medal, and that dream finally came true.

7 The trip was amazing, so we had reserved the same hotel for the following years.

8 We had lined up for three hours, but we still couldn't get a seat.

9 Sarjan wanted to play professional tennis because he had seen Roger Federer play on television when he was a child.

10 I had forgotten to turn off my computer, so I had to go back to the office.
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