• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lorena7u7pdjxd
  • hace 1 año

2. Choose " was" or "were".
The teacher............................. nice.
The students .......................... very clever.
But one student .................... in trouble.
We ...................... sorry for him.
He..................... nice though.

Anónimo: Hola, como estas?
lorena7u7pdjxd: hola bien y tu
Anónimo: Me alegra corazon
Anónimo: yo bien gracias
Anónimo: oye nos podemos conoser?


Respuesta dada por: Treadonme

✦ Tema: was / were

| Actividad:

• Completar las oraciones usando was o were.

━━━━━━ ✿ ★ ━━━━

\pink{\textbf{\textit{\textbardbl resoluci\'on}}}

1. The teacher was nice.

2. The students were very clever.

3. But one student was in trouble.

4. We were sorry for him.

5. He was nice though.

━━━━━━ ✿ ★ ━━━━

\pink{\textbf{\textit{\textbardbl t\red{e}\purple{o}\blue{r}\green{\'i}\gray{a}}}}

Usamos was cuando el sujeto de la oración es I, he, she o it. Cuando el sujeto es you, we o they, utilizamos were.

Más sobre el verb to be en el pasado simple: brainly.lat/tarea/32826756

━━━━━━ ✿ ★ ━━━━




mairegabriela: :(
Treadonme: Claro, en qué necesitas ayuda?
mairegabriela: esta en mis pregunta es de ingles
mairegabriela: por fis
mairegabriela: es la primera
Treadonme: Ahora la miro :)
mairegabriela: oki
Treadonme: listo n.n
ImSmarterThanYou: tanta cosa para unas 5 palaras
ImSmarterThanYou: palabras
Respuesta dada por: mikeSteven40

Choose " was" or "were".

The teacher was nice.

The students were very clever.

sobre estos tres ninguna de las palabras "was" o "were" les corresponde :v

But one student .................... in trouble.

We ...................... sorry for him.

He..................... nice though.

qngie53: 1) was 2) were
qngie53: 3) was 4) were
qngie53: 5) was
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