• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: shunashy
  • hace 8 años

hola!!! espero me puedan ayudar tengo de tarea
hacer 24 oraciones con el verbo to get
en tiempo presente, pasado, futuro. espero puedan ayudarme gracias.


Respuesta dada por: CheezeSweet
• I had got a cold last week
• They had got the same car
• We had got married 2 years ago
• She had got an interview in that company
• He had got very good grades in high school
• I had got a nap this afternoon
• We had got shared floor when we were in university
• He had got good news this morning

• He's getting paid by doing this
• I'm getting along very well in my new job
• She's getting happier lately
• I'm getting away from that kind of friends
• You're not getting anything good of this
• He's getting a new love interest
• I'm getting tired
• You're getting closer to me

• My brother can tease me all day, but he won't get me out of my rise.
• I will get a new haircut tomorrow
• They will get married the next month
• He will get a promotion
• We will get a job
• You will get a boyfriend someday, don't worry
• I won't get more money
• She will get her degree in a few weeks

shunashy: graciassssss, pero aun me faltan :(
CheezeSweet: No había leído lo de 24, sorry. ¿Son 24 de cada uno de los tiempos, o 24 en total?
shunashy: en total son 24 oraciones serian 8 por cada tiempo
shunashy: disculpa pero es la única materia en la que ando fatallll
shunashy: y te agradezco mucho esta ayuda
CheezeSweet: Estoy editando la respuesta para que tengas 8 de cada una :)
shunashy: mil graciasssss por tu ayuda
shunashy: te hago un comentario el to get
CheezeSweet: Ya la edité :)
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